Our fast-paced, wide-open, three-down game is a great game, and that was never clearer than last season, when scoring was up, games were close, and exciting finishes were the order of the day.
But everything can be improved.
That’s the spirit in which our rules committee gathers each year during CFL Congress.
A collection of team presidents, general managers, coaches and officials, along with a representative of the players’ association, it meets to discuss which rules might be replaced, changed or tweaked slightly to make our game even better.
Hundreds of proposed rules changes are pouring in from CFL fans across the country.
They started arriving within minutes of our league putting out a request today to Canadians, asking them to share their ideas with the CFL’s rules committee.
And they just keep coming in, demonstrating CFL fans’ passion for our league, and knowledge of our game.
Some of your suggestions so far include:
We’re asking you to provide input to the committee. We want your ideas and suggestions. We can’t promise the committee will accept them all. But we will make sure your ideas are shared with its members.
Simply send your suggestions for rule changes by clicking here or by emailing — rules@cfl.ca — by Friday, February 27. That will give us time to share them with the committee before it meets as part of CFL Congress, this year in Hamilton on March 3rd and 4th.
Why are we doing this, for the very first time? Well, when we say This is Our League, we don’t mean it’s ours to run, and yours simply to watch. We mean the CFL truly belongs to all of us who care about it and support it. So we want to tap into your passion, your knowledge and your ideas.
Thanks for your help and hang in there: with Congress around the corner, CFL training camps can’t be that far off.
Mark Cohon
Commissioner of the Canadian Football League