
Sights Sounds Social: Division Finals Sunday

A trip to the 105th #GreyCup on the line…

Here we go:

But first, a quick look at Bo Levi Mitchell‘s adorable daughter, Ele:

It all got started in the 6ix with the Argos hosting the Riders.

Commissioner Ambrosie just taking in a little Eastern Finals tailgate:

#Riderville out in full force, even on the road.

DC’s mother couldn’t miss watching her son play LIVE:

A “Ray of Sunshine” on Division Finals Sunday:

What a wild start we had to the Eastern Finals:

We couldn’t have a half of Ricky Ray playing QB without a TD toss:

As always Milt is looking fly:

So we thought this would be a boring Defensive Argos victory, think again:

Then when the Riders had seized all the momentum, this happened:

However, NEVER count out Ricky Ray.

& your East Divsion Champs…

The Stamps were rocking the “Outlaw” jerseys:

It was a battle if the uniforms on Sunday:

#OneEmpire is in Cow-Town:

What a start it was for #OneEmpire

Stamps aren’t going to go away quietly though:

He’s clearly not just a returner:

How do you stop this???

The Edmonton Eskimos made a late push:

But in the end, it wasn’t enough: