September 21, 2018

Grey Cup Fit Up: How Do You Stay Motivated?!

Friday September 21st marks the 36th day of Grey Cup Fit Up! Are you cruising through it? Have you had challenging days? Do you need some motivation to get you back on track? I am sure you’ve felt all of these things at one time or another, I know I have. This week I made it to the gym three days in a row super early – and let me tell ya, I was super proud! After feeling organized and confident this week tomorrow I am travelling for an event that is going to take me out of my routine. I am already scrambling to figure out how I am going to continue this challenge on the road. It can be difficult to not get overwhelmed when life get’s busy and all of a sudden your health and wellness plunge down your list of priorities. A recent tweet by @CFL came at just the right time as many of you weighed in on the best way to stay motivated. The responses were inspirational and I loved seeing the perspective and wisdom this challenge has brought online. I have included my favourites below, you can read them below the original tweet (sorry that’s just how tweets copy!) And while we are at it, here is my best advice for staying motivated: DONE is better than PERFECT! Pick something you enjoy doing NOT something you’re going to dread all day or make you anxious before you go to bed. There’s a place for challenge and anticipation, but exercise ideally should not trigger worry/stress/anxiety. Figure out what you genuinely enjoy and do that! Get it done, don’t worry about having the perfectly planned, perfectly challenging, perfectly executed workout.