October 19, 2012

Returning as a Champion

Guillaume Allard-Caméus returned to his old high school, College Notre-Dame, today not just as a former student but as a Grey Cup Champion and someone who has fulfilled his dreams.

The reception he got from the students was impressive- complete attentiveness when he was speaking, thunderous applause when he finished.

It didn’t seem to matter to the students that his CFL career was short lived, it mattered that he had gone on to do something many of them dream of. He played in the CIS for the dominant Laval Rouge et Or and then in the CFL, for the hometown Alouettes.

When he spoke they listened and although he talked football he also talked about getting his university diploma, about how much that mattered to him.

His message was not lost on the school’s football players.

“It was huge for them because they watch the CFL, they watch the Grey Cup Game. To see someone who’s been in the same place as them, the same classes, the same football field, to make it all the way to Laval and then to the Alouettes, it’s huge,” their coach said.

One young defensive back agreed and was especially impressed by the silver chalice in front of him.

“I think we all have a dream to get to the CFL so to see the Cup is a foreshadow of our future years. It’s really emotional. We love to see what we can win if we get to the top,” he said.

When Guillaume hoisted the Cup the atmosphere was electric. Students were cheering, laughing, screaming.

You have to think it’s one Friday they won’t soon forget.
