March 7, 2017

TMI!: with REDBLACKS’ Scott Macdonell

Johany Jutras/

You’ll never guess what Scott Macdonell is doing this off-season..

What else do you do after you win the Grey Cup? Learn how to play the keyboard, of course!



Ottawa REDBLACKS receiver/special teamer Scott Macdonell has been busy this off-season, and he hasn’t just been working out getting ready for the 2017 season. Learning to play the keyboard and gaming with teammate Antoine Pruneau are just a few things he’s been doing to pass the time while he (along with the rest of us) ask #IsItJuneYet?

What would he take to a desert island? Who would he have dinner with, living or dead? I found that out and so much more!

Get to know Scott a little better in this edition of TMI!

Kristina Costabile: What is something no one knows about you?

Scott Macdonell: I bought a keyboard during the season (last year) and I’m trying to improve my musical abilities and talents.

KC: What is your guilty pleasure song?

SM: Any of those new (Justin) Bieber songs that he just came out with last year are pretty fire.

KC: What do you do you do in your free time?

SM: I keep pretty active in my free time. I like playing sports, any kind of sport I’ll play. I’ll play video games, especially with my housemate (Antoine) Pruneau. We compete a lot at video games.

KC: If you weren’t a football player, what would you be?

SM: An entrepreneur.

KC: If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

SM: Rick James. I think ‘super freak’ would be jokes to have dinner with.


KC: If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only bring three things with you, what would they be?

SM: A friend, an iPod full of music and craft beer.

KC: What is your biggest pet peeve?

SM: I don’t have one. I don’t like to complain, I try to find the silver lining in everything.

KC: What is your nickname?

SM: Scotty, Scotty Mac

KC: What is on your pregame playlist?

SM: I have a lot of J Cole, Future, Drake. Definitely lots of hip hop.


Imagine having Henry Burris as your DJ.. Scott wants to make it happen.

SM: If Hank’s in the lockeroom he’ll get it jumpin’, with pregame techno or something. His taste in music is very electic. At any point he could put on a song and you’d be like, ‘what the heck?’ He’s got Luther Vandross and then the next song is Skrillex. He can really get a party jumpin’. I’ve always wanted to get an event where Hank DJ’d the whole night. I really think that would be cool.

Something to think about when you’re not on TV, eh Hank?