The 105th Grey Cup Mayor Bet has been set

As is tradition with the Grey Cup, the opposing mayors of each representing city agree to a friendly wager.

The 105th Grey Cup will be no different.

For Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi & Toronto Mayor John Tory, Wednesday was the day which the guidelines of the “Mayor Bet” would be laid out.

So what’s at stake (via the Canadian Press):

  1. The losing mayor will contribute $5 for every point scored by the winning team to a food bank in the winning mayor’s city.
  2. Losing mayor will also send the winning mayor a selection of local craft beer.
  3. The losing mayor must wear the winning team’s jersey and read a poem written or selected by the winning mayor at their next city council meeting.

Mayor Tory wasted no time taking to social media to motivate his home-town squad:

Your move Mayor Nenshi.