Welcome to #TheGrind

On Tuesday March 13th we are launching a brand new series that will air on the CFL’s Facebook called The Grind! You might remember last season I had the chance to join a few players (Chad Owens, Henoc Muamba, Bo Levi Mitchell etc) and have them put me through their off-season workout. The feedback we got from these videos from both fans and players was overwhelming and the message we received was that you wanted MORE!

So this season we’ve seriously (seriously!) stepped up our game with The Grind. The first episodes we will release were filmed on a 7 city 11 day trip across the Southern United Sates where I had a chance to workout with some of your favourite CFL players.

More workouts to come from Canadian destinations – stay tuned! The first episode which we filmed with Rider Willie Jefferson, Eskimo Derel Walker and Stampeder Reggie Begelton in Katy Texas will be released on Tuesday March 13th. Our team is putting the finishing touches on it – and guys it looks AMAZING, I know you’re going to love it. A new episode of The Grind will be released every Tuesday until kickoff!

While filming The Grind I also brought my selfie camera because I wanted to give you a behind the scenes look of what 7 workouts in 11 days looks like and let you in on the incredible hospitality and generosity of these players. You also get to see the travel shenanigans of our team – producers Rob Hynes and Kyle Scott. These behind the scenes videos will be released every Thursday to help preview the Tuesday episode meaning…episode 1 of our The Grind Behind the Scenes is out now! You can watch it here:

The Grind Behind the Scenes Episode 1: Katy, Texas

A tour of Bo Levi Mitchell's High School ✔️A little BBQ 🍖🥘🥧 with SirVincent Rogers ✔️ A sneak peak of what's to come from Brodie Lawson's workout series "The Grind" (airing Tuesday March 13th) ✔️It's "The Grind" Behind the Scenes.

Posted by CFL on Thursday, March 8, 2018


Now for our 100 DAY FITNESS CHALLENGE #TheCFLGrind which launched on Tuesday and is taking over social media! This was inspired by the amazing response to #GreyCupFitUp. We had a feeling you guys were going to be pretty inspired by CFL players working out and I had heard repeatedly you wanted another challenge so #TheCFLGrind was born. Please don’t stop reading if you feel like you’ve missed the start – you have not missed a thing! Get started today and join this amazing community of people working out for a consecutive 100 days – the LAST day of the challenge is June 14th the first day of the #CFL Season! The ‘rules’ are simple:

  1. Exercise for 30 mins a day – running, yoga, lifting weights, sports, dace, crossfit, cycling, a 30 min walk works too. The goal is to be intentional about achieving 30 mins of exercise a day!
  2. Share a brief description and photo (optional) after your workout is complete on social media using #TheCFLGrind this way others can find you and cheer you on.
  3. Pay it forward! Find someone on social media using #TheCFLGrind and ‘like’ and or comment to let them know you see them and send them a few words of encouragement! 

I’ll be checking in with you guys along the way and posting video updates on my own accounts @BrodieLawson on Twitter and Instagram with my own journey! Stay in touch and let’s GO!

Here are some people who have already joined!